通过田间长期定位试验,研究了西北内陆河绿洲灌区不同耕作措施对冬小麦产量及土壤水分动态变化的影响。结果表明,冬小麦拔节期前,免耕秸秆覆盖处理和免耕秸秆立茬处理显著提高了0~30 cm土层贮水量,处理间差异较大,拔节后差异变小;而返青至成熟期,免耕秸秆覆盖处理和免耕秸秆立茬处理30~150 cm土层贮水量均大于传统耕作处理。免耕秸秆立茬处理和免耕秸秆覆盖处理均显著提高了冬小麦产量,较传统耕作处理分别增产6.98%~24.32%、15.65%~30.59%,较秸秆翻压处理分别增产2.94%~4.25%、8.01%~11.29%。免耕秸秆覆盖耕作措施和免耕秸秆立茬这2种保护性耕作措施均能提高冬小麦产量,适宜在西北内陆河绿洲灌区冬小麦生产上推广应用。
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The effects of different tillage measures on winter wheat yield and soil moisture dynamics were studied in the Oasis Irrigation Area of Northwest Inland River through long-term field positioning tests. The results showed that no-tillage with wheat stubble retention(NTS) and no-tillage with stubble standing (NTSS) could increase topper layer(0~30 cm) soil moisture content before jointing of winter wheat, and revealed significant difference among treatments. But the difference of soil moisture among different treatments became smaller after jointing. The soilwater storage of deeper soil layer(30~150 cm) in NTS and NTSS were always higher than that of conventional tillage(T) from turning green stage to maturity stage. The results also showed the grain yield of winter wheat increased significantly under NTSS and NTS treatments, which increased by 6.98%~24.32% and 15.65%~30.59% compared with T treatment, 2.94%~4.25% and 8.01%~11.29%, compared with traditional tillage treatment. Therefore, no-tillage with wheat stubble retention(NTS) and no-tillage with stubble standing(NTSS) could increase the yield of winter wheat and were suitable to be popularized and applied in the production of winter wheat in northwest inland river oasis irrigation area.