在咸阳烟区对引进的6个优选烟草品种进行了品种筛选试验。结果表明,表现最好的烟草品种是延安1号,成熟度好,抗病性强,经济性状比较均衡,烟叶总产量最高,为2 122.50 kg/hm2;产值也最高,为58 405.8 00元/hm2。CC27成熟度和抗病性相对较强,烟叶总产量较高,为643.35 kg/hm2;产值也最高,为32 464.35元/hm2。云烟100烟叶总产量较低,为260.55 kg/hm2,但其成熟度好,上部叶片较大,中上等烟叶的占比较高,因此产值也较高,为27 137.55元/hm2。建议在咸阳烟区推广种植延安1号,搭配种植CC27、云烟100。
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Six selected tobacco cultivars introduced were screened in Xianyang tobacco- growing area. The results showed that the tobacco variety with the best performance was Yan’an 1, which had good maturity, strong disease resistance and balanced economic characters. The total yield of tobacco leaf was the highest, which was 2 122.50 kg/hm2, the Output value is also the highest, which is 58 405.800 yuan/hm2. CC27 had relatively strong maturity and disease resistance, and the total yield of tobacco was 643.35 kg/hm2, the output value is also the highest, which is 32 464.35 yuan/hm2. The total yield of Yunyan 100 tobacco leaves was 260.55 kg/hm2, but the maturity of Yunyan 100 tobacco leaves was good, the upper leaves were larger, and the proportion of middle and superior tobacco leaves was higher, so the output value was also higher, which was 27 137.55 yuan/hm2. It is suggested to popularize the planting of Yan’an 1 in Xianyang tobacco area, along with CC27 and Yunyan 100.