冬小麦新品种静宁13号(原代号静2011-7)是以静宁10号为母本、V8448作父本,通过有性杂交及多代集团混合选择技术选育而成的。2015 — 2017年参加甘肃省陇中片旱地组冬小麦区域试验,2 a 12点(次)平均折合产量为4 426.5 kg/hm2,较对照品种陇中1号增产8.2%。其中2015 — 2016年度平均折合产量3 937.5 kg/hm2,较对照品种陇中1号增产5.3%;2016 — 2017年度平均折合产量4 915.5 kg/hm2,较对照品种陇中1号增产11.0%。2017 — 2018年度参加甘肃省陇中片冬小麦生产试验,平均折合产量为4 341.0 kg/hm2,较对照品种陇中1号增产4.3%。该品种株高61~102 cm,穗长5.4~7.1 cm,结实小穗15~18个,穗粒数32.2粒,千粒重41.5~45.2 g,容重786 g/L。籽粒含粗蛋白127.0 g/kg、赖氨酸3.3 g/kg、湿面筋248.0 g/kg,总灰分(干基)14.0 g/kg,水分84.2 g/kg,沉淀值32 mL (14%水分基)。中感条锈病、白粉病,抗旱性2级,抗寒性2级,后期抗青干。适宜在甘肃平凉、定西及宁夏固原等地年降水量300~500 mm、海拔2200 m以下的干旱及半干旱区种植。
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Jingning 13 is a new winter wheat cultivar(the original code name was Jing 2011-7) was bred with Jingning 10 as the female parent and V8448 as the male parent through sexual hybridization and multi-generation group mixed selection. In 2015 — 2017, the average yield in 2 a 12 sites(times) was 4 426.5 kg/hm2, which was 8.2% higher than that of the control cultivar Longzhong 1. In 2015 — 2016, the average yield was 3 937.5 kg/hm2, which was 5.3% higher than that of the contral cultivar. In 2016 — 2017, the average yield was 4 915.5 kg/hm2, which was 11.0% higher than that of the control cultivar. In 2017 — 2018, the average yield was 4 341.0 kg/hm2, which was 4.3% higher than that of the control cultivar. The plant height is 61~102 cm, ear length is 5.4~7.1 cm, seed setting spikelets are 15~18, grains per ear are 32.2, 1000 grain weight is 41.5~45.2 g, volume weight is 786 g/L. The crude protein content is 12.7%, lysine content is 0.33%, wet gluten content is 24.8%, sedimentation value is 32(ML, 14% water basis), total ash content(dry basis) is 1.4%, water content is 8.42%. It is moderate susceptibility to stripe rust and powdery mildew. It has drought resistance of grade 2, cold resistance of grade 2, and green dry resistance of late stage. It is suitable to be grown in arid and semi-arid areas with annual precipitation of 300~500 mm and altitude below 2 200 m in Pingliang, Dingxi and Guyuan of Gansu Province.