为筛选出适宜平凉市种植的荞麦品种,在平凉市崆峒区旱塬地对引进的10个荞麦品种进行了比较试验。结果表明,苦荞品种云荞2号折合产量最高,为2 901.75 kg/hm2;苦荞品种平荞6号次之,折合产量为 2 266.80 kg/hm2;甜荞品种定甜荞1号折合产量居供试甜荞品种的第1位,为1 930.05 kg/hm2。以上3个荞麦品种可在平凉地区示范推广,云荞2号可作为主推品种。
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In order to screen out suitable the high yield buckwheat varieties suitable for planting in Pingliang city, 10 imported buckwheat varieties were compared and tested in Kongtong district, Pingliang city. The results showed that the highest yield of Tartary buckwheat variety Yunqiao 2 was 2 901.75 kg/hm2. The Tartary buckwheat variety Pingqiao 6 was the second with a yield of 2 266.80 kg/hm2. The yield of Dingtianqiao 1 was 1 930.05 kg/hm2, ranking the first among all the tested sweet buckwheat varieties. The above three buckwheat varieties can be demonstrated and popularized in Pingliang area, and Yunqiao 2 can be promoted as the main variety