研究水氮耦合对膜下微喷灌制种玉米产量及水氮利用率的响应,实现制种玉米高产和水氮资源的高效利用。于2022年在甘肃省农业科学院张掖节水农业试验站以灌水量为主处理(2 700、3 600、4 500 m3/hm2)、施N量为副处理(0、120、240、360 kg/hm2),分析了膜下微喷灌条件下不同水氮耦合模式对制种玉米产量及水肥效应的影响。结果表明,在微喷灌溉条件下,增加灌水量和施N量均能有效提高制种玉米籽粒产量,但当水氮施用量达到一定程度后,其增产效应减弱。不同的灌水量下,施N量为240 kg/hm2的处理较其余施氮处理均明显提高了叶面积指数及光的截获率,叶面积指数在灌浆期时较0、120、360 kg/hm2施氮处理分别高16.69%~21.12%、1.33%~2.00%、-3.79%~13.73%。在灌水量为4 500 m3/hm2、施N量为240 kg/hm2的条件下,玉米籽粒产量最高,为7.84 t/hm2,但与灌水量为3 600 m3/hm2、施N量为240 kg/hm2的处理(7.80 t/hm2)差异不显著,仅增产0.5%;且后者与前者相比,灌水量减少了20%,水分利用效率则增加了13.50%,氮肥农学利用效率(NAE)提高了60.91%。综上认为,在膜下微喷灌条件下,灌水量为3 600 m3/hm2、施N量为240 kg/hm2是试验区乃至河西灌区制种玉米生产的最适宜水氮耦合模式。
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In order to determine the response of water and fertilizer coupling on the yield of seed maize under mulched micro-sprinkling irrigation, and to achieve high yield of seed maize and efficient utilization of water and nitrogen resources, a located field trial were examined on the coupling of water and nitrogen under mulched micro-sprinkling irrigation at Zhangye Water-saving Agricultural Station of Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2022. The experiment adopted a two-factor split plot design, the two factors were the water factor (2 700, 3 600 and 4 500 m3/ha) and nitrogen factor (0, 120, 240 and 360 kg/ha), respectively, and analyzed the influence of different irrigation and nitrogen levels on the yield and the water-nitrogen use efficiency under the mulched micro-sprinkling irrigation. Results showed thatunder mulched micro-sprinkling irrigation, increasing the amount of irrigation and nitrogen application could effectively increase the grain yield of seed maize, but the boosting effects were weakened when the amount of water and nitrogen application reached a certain level. Under different irrigation amounts, the treatment with 240 kg/ha of nitrogen application significantly increased the leaf area index and light interception rate compared to the other nitrogen treatments. The leaf area indexes during the grain-filling stage was 16.69% to 21.12%, 1.33% to 2.00%, and -3.79% to 13.73% higher than the 0, 120, and 360 kg/ha nitrogen treatments, respectively. Under the conditions of 4 500 m3/ha irrigation amount and 240 kg/ha nitrogen application, the highest maize grain yield was 7.84 t/ha. However, no significant difference was detected compared with the treatment with 3 600 m3/ha irrigation amount and 240 kg/ha nitrogen application(7.80 t/ha), which only showed a 0.5% increase. Moreover, the latter treatment reduced irrigation by 20%, increased water use efficiency by 13.50%, and improved nitrogen agronomic efficiency (NAE) by 60.91% compared to the former. In conclusion, under the conditions of mulched micro-sprinkling irrigation, an irrigation amount of 3 600 m3/ha and a nitrogen application rate of 240 kg/ha is the most suitable water-nitrogen coupling model for seed maize production in the experimental area and the Hexi irrigation district.