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This study evaluated the fruit and crisp quality of different harvest and storage periods of Tianshui apple varieties, including the Delicious strains and Fuji apples, so as to provide a basis for fruit growth, storage and processing. Using Miyazaki Fuji apples as a control, the fruit and crisp suitability of four Delicious strain apple varieties (Tianwang 1, Russian Dwarf 2, Asi, and Shouhong) were evaluated. Results showed that the fruit hardness of the four Delicious apple varieties at different harvest and storage stages was either lower than or comparable to Miyazaki Fuji. The soluble solids content was lower than Miyazaki Fuji before harvest but higher or comparable after storage. The total acid content was consistently lower than that of Miyazaki Fuji from harvest to storage, with a significantly higher acid-to-solid ratio. The crispness of the four Delicious apple varieties, like fresh fruit, decreased in hardness and increased in soluble solids content, while total acidity decreased and the acid-to-solid ratio increased as the fruit matured and storage time extended. Except for Russian Dwarf 2, the crisps of the other three Delicious apples generally had higher hardness than Miyazaki Fuji, and their acid-to-solid ratio was much higher both before harvest and after storage. From harvest to storage, the color L* value of the four Delicious apple strains continuously increased, the a* value changed from negative to positive, and the b* value steadily increased, resulting in crisps with a gradually light yellow color. After ripening, Delicious apple strains had moderate hardness, producing crisps with a light yellow color, strong crispiness, and a balanced sweet-sour taste. In contrast, Fuji apples were firmer, producing crisps with a bright white color, strong crunchiness, and a balanced sweet-sour taste.