通过探索有机生态型废旧基质的资源化、无害化利用新途径,使河西灌区有机生态型废旧基质得到资源化循环再利用。以辣椒品种美国红为指示作物,在河西绿洲灌区灌漠土区研究了有机生态型废旧基质还田对辣椒生长的影响。结果表明,施用废旧基质30 t/ hm2+80%常规施肥(N 300.0 kg/hm2、P2O5 96.0 kg/hm2、K2O 72.0 kg/hm2)时,辣椒折合产量最高,为32 340 kg/hm2,较不施肥对照增产27.31%,较常规施肥处理(N 375.0 kg/hm2、P2O5 120.0 kg/hm2、K2O 90.0 kg/hm2)增产12.84%;产值、净产值均最高,分别达到71 148.0、45 742.0元/hm2,较不施肥对照分别增加15 261.4、7 705.4元/hm2,较常规施肥处理分别增加8 096.0、4 360.0元/hm2。该有机生态型废旧基质还田配施化肥模式能有效提高辣椒产量、产值,建议在河西灌区灌漠土区辣椒生产上加以推广应用。
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To explore new pathways for the harmless utilization of waste substrates organic ecological waste substrates and to promote the recycling of such substrates in the Hexi Irrigation District, using American redpepper variety(Capsicum annuum L.) as the indicator crop, the effects of returning organic ecological waste substrates to the soil on pepper growth were studied in the desert irrigation areas of the Hexi Oasis. The results showed that applying 30 t/ha of waste substrate + 80% conventional fertilization (N 300.0 kg/ha, P2O5 96.0 kg/ha, K2O 72.0 kg/ha) resulted in the highest pepper yield, which was 32 340 kg/ha. It was an increase of 27.31% compared to the unfertilized control and 12.84% higher than the conventional fertilization treatment(N 375.0 kg/ha, P2O5 120.0 kg/ha, K2O 90.0 kg/ha). The output value and net profit also reached their highest levels, reaching 71 148.0 and 45 742.0 Yuan/ha, respectively, an increase of 15 261.4 and 7 705.4 Yuan/ha compared to the unfertilized control, and 8 096.0 and 4 360.0 Yuan/ha compared to the conventional fertilization treatment. This organic ecological waste substrate return combined with chemical fertilization model can effectively increase pepper yield and output value. It is recommended for promotion in pepper production in the desert irrigation areas of the Hexi Irrigation District.